Learning PHP Design Patterns


1784794548Book Description:

Build server-side applications more efficiently—and improve your PHP programming skills in the process—by learning how to use design patterns in your code. This book shows you how to apply several object-oriented patterns through simple examples, and demonstrates many of them in full-fledged working applications.

Learn how these reusable patterns help you solve complex problems, organize object-oriented code, and revise a big project by only changing small parts. With Learning PHP Design Patterns, you’ll learn how to adopt a more sophisticated programming style and dramatically reduce development time.
Learn design pattern concepts, including how to select patterns to handle specific problems
Get an overview of object-oriented programming concepts such as composition, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance
Apply creational design patterns to create pages dynamically, using a factory method instead of direct instantiation
Make changes to existing objects or structure without having to change the original code, using structural design patterns
Use behavioral patterns to help objects work together to perform tasks
Interact with MySQL, using behavioral patterns such as Proxy and Chain of Responsibility
Explore ways to use PHP’s built-in design pattern interfaces

Table of Contents
Part I: Easing into the Fundamentals of Design Patterns
Chapter 1. PHP and Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts in OOP
Chapter 3. Basic Design Pattern Concepts
Chapter 4. Using UMLs with Design Patterns

Part II: Creational Design Patterns
Chapter 5. Factory Method Design Pattern
Chapter 6. Prototype Design Pattern

Part III: Structural Design Patterns
Chapter 7. The Adapter Pattern
Chapter 8. Decorator Design Pattern

Part IV: Behavioral Design Patterns
Chapter 9. The Template Method Pattern
Chapter 10. The State Design Pattern

Part V: MySQL and PHP Design Patterns
Chapter 11. A Universal Class for Connections and a Proxy Pattern for Security
Chapter 12. The Flexibility of the Strategy Design Pattern
Chapter 13. The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
Chapter 14. Building a Multidevice CMS with the Observer Pattern

Book Details
Paperback: 362 pages
Publisher: O’Reilly Media (February 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1449344917
ISBN-13: 978-1449344917

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